after my walk yesterday I felt really energized and so I decided to hit the gym today.
So after my breakfast, which was a simple yogurt with blueberries and redcurrant as well as some granola...

... I hit the gym. I didn't do any cardio (except for 7 minutes on the elliptical for warm up). But I did do some training on the weight machines.
After my workout I had a banana.
Then I went grocery shopping and came back nearly starving (by then it was 4pm). My mom wanted some noodles with a tomato sauce so I made the same pasta dish I had on the 13th. Just a really easy dish of whole grain Spaghetti and a premade tomato sauce to which I added caramelized onions, fried ground beef and some carrots to the Spaghettis.
Then my mom and I decided to go for another walk in the evenings. But before I could do that i had to enlist the help of an old friend of mine:

This gel is awesome if you hurt yourself during training. It's been my lifesaver for quite some time since I have bad feet. The doctor diagnosed that one of the ligaments inside a bone of the middle of my foot is not torn but too long and so I get those terrible pains quite often when I'm working out. The pain is the bad side of it and the good side...it won't get worse.
So I suck it up (or I try to) and put on this gel which makes it way better.
Our walk was really nice. We did about an hour walk but through the end it started raining. It started of with this weather where the sky is really dark and you know there is something going on. And then the wind started and you could feel the electricity in the air. The power of nature barely leashed... I love that kind of weather!
But unfortunately thi kind of weather is usually followed up by a lot of rain which we had to endure during the end of our walk.
After all this exitement I had a snack. A chocolate pudding with strawberries:

And then while watching "The Biggest Loser" I decided to have some snacks. I will start with the WW meal plans tomorrow and have my meals planned until next wednesday except for the weekend where we won't be at home so I had to use this opportunity to have some chips (Western Style-a little bit of sweet mixed into this BBQ taste):

I complimented this with a Diet Dr Pepper:

And since this was my savory snack I also had to have a chocolaty snack:

My aunt and uncle just came back from their trip to the US so they brought me some WW candies.
So I had two of the WW Butter Cream Caramel with Crispies:

I tried to snap a picture of every kind of the inside but the pics aren't too good.
I also had one of the Coconut ones:

And a German candy. A Merci Petit in the hazelnut flavor:

That's it from me for today. Starting tomorrow I'll be back to working (after my 5 days off) and like I said will be doing a meal plan including a breakfast, a light meal and a main meal and a snack....let's see how that goes!